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I Forge Iron

2-Drawer Filing Cabinet for Super-Sucker


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I couldn't manage to find any metal fab shops that would take on such a small job as cutting sheet metal for making my Super-Sucker side draft hood. Then one day at work at our office I saw an ancient, dinged up 2-drawer filing cabinet that was being tossed out....and the lights came on! The back/top was ideal and just needed liberated with an angle grinder & cut-off wheel! I I drew out lines for the height and angled sides, made the cuts...and presto! All it needed was the frame around the front and round hole cut in the top. This solved a lot of worry over cutting, bending, & welding the main box. Hope this helps someone that's stuck on this issue like I was.

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Youve just gotta like a creative re-adaptation such as this .  First other thing that comes to mind now that you got us thinking about this is that Just maybe you could make a small down draft grinding table out of one. 


Thanks for sharing.  Picture please.

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Almost anything will work to redirect the smoke. In regard getting sheet fabricated, consider a shop that does duct work. Industrial ventilation fabricators have the toling and the skill set you are looking at. They fab all sorts of transitions for ducting. Cost should be minimal because there is not all that much material involved. Do a simple layout on cardboard and you will have a working model of what you want fabricated.

Good luck with your project.

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