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ABANA conference - questions on where to stay

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I have booked my stuff for the conference and at the moment we are booked for the imperial hotel, but are a little unsure about the place....

We are contemplating switching to either camping at the fairgrounds or going to the KOA. Wife would prefer the KOA, but I thought the fairgrounds might allow for more BS time with others staying there that are there for the same reasons.

One of her concerns is a possible lack of trees at the fairground campground where the tents will be. Anyone know what the situation is on that? Also any clues as to the size of the creek they say runs along there? The boys are dying to know if it will allow for play or outright drowning.

Last thing, anyone know how far the showers and bathrooms are from the camping area? Thinking 5yr old in the middle of the night..

Anyone here going to be staying at either place?

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