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I Forge Iron

Question about a forge pot project

flat lander

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I have been reading about all of your projects and a got a wild hair today and started building a forge pot for my self. And I have a question for the experts. I made the pot out of 5/8" mild steel plate at the top it is 11 1/2" X 12 1/2 and the bottom is 5 1/2" sq. and right now it is 4 1/2" deep. All dimensions are inside dimensions

I am planning of using the forge for probably not more than 1/2" sq. stock I may go bigger but right now that is the largest material and I will be useing charcoal for the fuel and if I get that down I may add coke no coal I do not want the smoke.

My 1st question is. Is 4 1/2" to deep , to shallow or just right I have not made the top flange yet and I can trim it down if I need to at this point.

My 2nd question is since I am building the pot I can build the air intake and ash dump. Should I go with 3" , 3 1/2" or 4 " Diameter.

My 3rd question is.I have not decided if I am going with the coke at this point so should I install a clinker breaker or just use a grate.

Thanks for all of the advice that you have given me on other topics. You have helped me out a lot in such a short time.

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1) I got several people to measure their firepot depth an 4 inch was typical with some deeper.
2) 2 inch is small for that size of pot, but would probably work. 3 inch is typical based on the above measurements.
3) clinker breaker or not make sure whatever is down there won't pull out by accident when you clean your fire out.


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  • 2 weeks later...

An up date on my forge pot.

I tried the pot today and I could not keep up with it I put about 10 1/2" bars in it to make tent stakes . 3/4" radius bend at one end and pointed at the other end. it took me about 1 hour and 45 min. to make 28 complete and another 11 with just the bend and I am worn out.
I burned about 12 lbs. of charcoal. I do not think that that is to bad for my first time on the forge.

Thanks guys for all of your help I realy Appreciate all that you have biven me and the other nubee's on the site

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