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I Forge Iron

new member from essex england


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Thought it was about time i introduced myself.I have been blacksmithing for some years now in an amateur capacity.I have been picking up all the gear when ever i come across it at rallies etc. I made myself a forge from half a garden roller that i got from the local tip, its large enough to do some useful stuff but not too big so i cant use it for mobile work.Got a london pattern anvil one & a half hundredweight ,good condition, found it a few years ago when scrap values were down. Smith shops here are (sadly) still closing down.but it does mean that old tools can be picked up for a few pounds (dollars).I started to go to go to steam rallies with my forge, running a blower from my lister D stationary engine,making toasting forks & pokers. It seems to get a lot of interest from the public & other club members (tractor & engine club) always want a go. I joined the forem on the 21st july & have found much of interest. I am not quite used to this computer thing so if i do anything daft please forgive me.

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