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I Forge Iron

How much ITC100?

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When working on my current forge, I put a thin layer maybe 1/16th of an inch thick of ITC-100 on the forge on the top and walls, not so much on the bottom since fire brick sits there anyway though it might not be a bad idea. I was wondering if you call think that is thick enough or whether I should get some more and make it a bit thicker. If so how thick. Also I dried the ITC100 through slow firing the forge. Do you think I should have let it air dry first before firing? If so I can do that with a second layer.

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1/16 is about what the manufacturers told me to use, so that's what I did and it seems OK in my forge. as for drying, I dunno what's best but I left mine for a few hours before firing it up, but that was due to getting into other work than by design. Still holding onto the forge lining (except where I caught a chunk of the fibre end wall with a hooked bit of metal and ripped a huge chunk off )

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