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I Forge Iron

building a new gas forge...

Bryce Masuk

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well in 2 years i think that i have managed to build 5 gas forges and had at least triple that in burner designs

so far not so good my last incarnation with 1 1/2 inch pipe and 2 inch reducers must have ran too lean and burned up the pipes in 8 months

before that i had a blown setup with 2 inch to 1 1/2 pipe it was great the fuel really really lasted along time and it ran great on a reg that only went up to 14 psi

I attempted to make a 2 burner blown setup with a welded manifold but the pressure was never equal and it had constant problems

I looked at jymm hoffmanns setup on here and it looked pretty good but most of my fittings are 2 inch to 1 1/2 not all 1 1/2 like his setup i am unsure whether this could pose problems.
I have a 66 cfm fan is one enough to run a 2 burner?
I have no clue about the required cfm for this type of setup

I have experimented with numerous setups and I am about ready to stop
I am thinking tomorrow i will go buy the parts for a single 3/4 burner either side or ez style my current setup is too rich with a .030 tip I am thinking of welding it up and drilling a hole with a 1/32 drill bit (.0313 or something)

just yesterday
I made a burner from a 1 inch pipe with a 2 inch reducer it runs too rich with a .030 tip
this is for my little economy forge made from a 20# propane tank for my smaller work
its lined with 1 inch ceramic wool it already coated it with kiln wash today.

I havent been putting flares on any of them either this is also likely to be part of the problem

I have these funny burner tubes with a machined brass venturi I will take a pic and post it tomorrow i would like to get it to work if possible it might be a really good setup

anyways its been one heck of alot of work but i almost have everything entirely organized the way i want it and my power hammer is in place waiting to be anchored into the ground

the foot treadle extension is all tacked up just waiting for me to test it out

I took all my random screws bolts and gas fittings random parts/pieces and sorted them all out as horrible as it was I guess thats why you dont put them all in a single box and pour it on the ground everytime you need a bolt but i was doing it!!!! if i rember right i dropped one box because it was too heavy and the other box broke because it was too heavy so i poured them together, talk about ingenious :P

I have a project due to be finished in 5 days i need to get the forge going so i can hammer it out

I have been working my butt off seemingly for nothing setting up everything is hard work
I came back last monday and I have been going non stop and everything is still a mess,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good to hear you got something working. I was going to suggest, when making changes to a forge, only change one thing at a time. i. e orifice size or pipe diameter or reducer size or even shell and/or liner, etc. Changing more than one component, especially when its not working to your satisfaction, makes it difficult to diagnose what is or isn't working. smile.gif

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