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Who's your Master?

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Hey guys let's give Bruce a chance.  Let's forget about the past and let his current actions speak for who he is.   I would like nothing more to be proven wrong.   My experience is what it is, I think the fact that Bruce is here and participating is outstanding.  When I feel challenged or threatened I bare my teeth and ready for a fight and I think that's what happened earlier.   I can forget and forgive.  I don't see how it can do anyone any good to be at odds over such trivial matters.      I have bad days, I say things I shouldn't. I stick my foot in my mouth and I p%#$ people off.    Bruce if you want to talk call me, you have my number.  If you don't hey that's fine too.  Either way let's just agree to put it in the past.   I'd like to see you stay Bruce.  I'd also like nothing more than to say you changed my mind and that I think your a stand up guy who goes out of his way to help a fellow smith    

Thanks I'll do that in the future. I'm all for getting past this.
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Hey if they can sell it then so be it

Look at some of albert paley's work

some of it is incredible... and some of looks like shrapnel

so be it

being good at something isnt the same as being good at making money at something

I have just spent twice as long on a project as I should have to make it my way and be happy,
will it get me any more money... Nope but doing something right is different than getting something done

I'll agree from what I've seen of Paley’s work it's incredible. If you can't make yourself happy then who can. Perhaps that's all that matters. I'm happy with who I am and what I do. He is better than me at what he does and I'll ambit he could probably make better looking tools then I can. I'll give credit where credit is due.
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It would take more than I could stand to type for me to try and explained how a Nazel, Fairbanks of Beaudry hammers work. To start they are all different. It would perhaps take a book just to explain thier differences. Not too many of the members out there are aware that Beaudry made a few self contained are hammer. It would take a few paragraphs in the book to explain the different between a Nazel and a Beaudry air hammers.

Point taken. Any common misconceptions, urban myths that need clearing up, bad habits people have using them? I'm the first to admit I'm a total powerhammer geek. I DEVOUR any knowledge I can get about them, especially from an authority. That wasn't meant to be sarcastic.

I've always been so against forums/ internet etc in the past. Totally changed my opinion when I built my first Kinyon. It must have been so difficult finding info about powerhammers in the 80's 90's .... not many relevant books out there.

One of the reasons I changed my mind about forums was reading some of the posts from people I consider experts such as John N, NakedAnvil, JohnLarson amognst many others. I've met John N a few times and he's a stand up guy. People like Grant I only know electronically but I've read enough of his posts to come to totally respect his knowledge (can I have my O.B.N* now Grant) whats more I find his humour /sarcasm very entertaining.

It can only be good to have another expert in their field here. There's always going to be disagreements, God knows I've gone out of my way to wind people up and still haven't been banned.

Forgot say be careful if you do end up using this forum stuff, I'm finding it a bottomless pit of time. Most of this weekend has gone up in smoke reading/posting. I've got to the state where I'm gonna have to wean myself of it.

*O.B.N = order of the brown nose

..... Grant, umbrage was my word
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I thought the subject of this thread had something to do with folks opinion regarding who should/could call themselves a "Master Blacksmith" and I gave my views on that. I also chastised Bruce for bringing up the "subject which shall remain nameless" in a joking manner. I didn't want to hear anymore about it and I wanted him to know it.

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Bruce, I'd like to know more about the Beaudry Air Hammer. I know at some point Erie aquired it and that it had a single-blow feature. Was there collaboration with Massey on the design like between Besche and Nazel? I ask that because Massey had a hammer with that feature I think.

See, if you start talking about gears and sprockets the whole tenor changes. If you wanna talk about "stuff" instead of people I'll welcome you with open arms, Bruce. Go after my friends and I turn into John Rambo! Sorry, I'm just like that.

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Hi Nazelhammers and welcome.
I look forward to learning as much as I can from you if you see fit to continue here.
I am new at this and I don't have the good fortune to have a mentor. These guys are great and this forum is a great resource for us new guys.
I hope that you become an active participant in the forum and help to educate those of us that need it.


I don't know what the original dispute was about and I don't care. It is none of my business and probably should not have been aired in this forum in the first place. (No offense to anyone - I don't even know who else is involved.)

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Bruce, I'd like to know more about the Beaudry Air Hammer. I know at some point Erie aquired it and that it had a single-blow feature. Was there collaboration with Massey on the design like between Besche and Nazel? I ask that because Massey had a hammer with that feature I think.

See, if you start talking about gears and sprockets the whole tenor changes. If you wanna talk about "stuff" instead of people I'll welcome you with open arms, Bruce.

I can't speak for an Eire self contained because I haven’t had a chance to really see one in person but that is what a Beaudry appears to be like now that you say it. I can check my archives of photos and post a few pictures of the only Beaudry air hammer I saw if I can figure out how to do it. I didn’t get a chance to get inside of the Beaudry to see how it worked. The owner wasn’t too keen on the idea of me trying to take apart his hammer. In the Beaudry sale records there is mention of their air hammers and I do have some very limited drawings of them. It must have been something they were working on but it didn't pan out. I would suspect some type of collaboration now that you say it. See you can learn something new. Niles, Bement and Pond worked closely with Nazel. A lot of smaller Nazel’s were sold along NBP that were part of a bigger sale between the two companies. I can on figure the Nazel’s were sold along with or to NBP as maintenance hammers to make tongs and other tooling to keep the larger NBP hammer feed with work. My dodge pickup has a Cummins engine and Cummins is owned by Ford. Like I said earlier most of the guys behind the original companies when to their graves forgetting more then we’ll know.
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Found the Beaudry air hammer pictures. How the heck do I post them? Perhaps you can determin if the Beaudry is like an Eire. I've only seen Eire's in a pictures. I'm not a master at the computer.

Took me a while to suss it.

I'm kinda assuming you've got them scanned into your computer. Make sure they're a sensible size, say somehwre around 12" max at 72dpi (geek alert geek alert. )One picture at a time is realtively easy. For multiples you've got to click on "try switching to our basic uploader" then play around clicking some or other buttons. I'm just a hammer geek not a computer geek so get out of my depth at this point. You'll suss it.

One confusing thing is it's a 2 stage process. Once is click to attach somehwere on the left, other is add to the post somewher on the right. This bit puts the picture where your cursor is in this bl***y silly box.
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Actually looks a lot like a Williams & White, friend of mine has a 750lb one of those. Ram looks like what the Brits call a "Rigby type". Do you know if it had a special single-blow feature?

YES! Pictures! We love pictures.

I'd no idea you guys had some many varities of air hammer. There again, there was a time I thought all power hammers looked like Blackers.
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It appears a Beaudry in a 3 piece hammer bolted together. Even a Nazel one piece is actually a 2 piece. The base and top half are snaped ringed together. Warning don't take a Nazel apart at the rings. They are a female pitbull to put back together.

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Cross Pein: I like your signature, but I don' know about the Conyer.

Charlie was an Amazon that we had for almost 20 years. Between his noise and our lack of attention to him we decided to give him to a real bird lover about a year ago. I still miss him sometimes, but I don't miss the screeching! We used to have a very large house and it was less of a problem. The mess was also an issue - they create a lot of dust but can give good companionship. He will probably outlive me by 40 years!
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