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I Forge Iron

Wasps in the shop!

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I was working on some farm equipment a short time ago and the wasp had decided to build their nest in the machine.They stormed out and I was holding a spray bottle of half acetone and half meracron transmission oil that I was useing as a penetration oil.One spray with the concoction and they fell out of the sky and were eaisly disposed of.I wouldn't use it around an ignition source but it sure is deadly on wasps.

I had a very similar situation and found starting fluid (ether) to do the same. Only in a pinch though. Like you said. No ignition sources nearby.
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Best solution for ground bees I have found has always been gasoline after dusk. Just pour about 1/2 a 1lb coffee can full down the entrance, wait about 30 seconds and follow it with a match and watch the fireworks.

When I was much younger I did that once to a fire ant nest in the mid-day heat of a North Carolina summer. (I was mowing the yard, the little buggers stung the **** out of my legs, and the gas was handy. I was extremely annoyed with them.) It was just like detonating a tiny, underground fuel-air explosive. It killed the ants very dead, yes (and I hope it was a painful death!). But it also burned up a big patch of yard, and the flame front was headed for the pine trees before I got it out. Since then I've opted for more conventional methods in dealing with these sorts of problems.
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A wasps or bee sting can be quite painful. My grandfather would put a little tobacco on where you were stung. And it will take away the pain. You have to wet it first any type works. I have use it on my kids it kills the pain on contact. If you do not smoke or chew they do make a spray that does the same thing fyi

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A wasps or bee sting can be quite painful. My grandfather would put a little tobacco on where you were stung. And it will take away the pain. You have to wet it first any type works. I have use it on my kids it kills the pain on contact. If you do not smoke or chew they do make a spray that does the same thing fyi

baking soda works well too.
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