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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by trollkeep

  1. I soak my hammers in antifreeze I think Tom Clark first told me this, you do not want to leave them in there very long about 30 min to 1 hr it begins to wick up the handle if you leave it too long. It works well does not dry out fast, also be sure to keep it away from dogs they will try to drink the antifreeze very bad for them

    I tried the antifreeze number and every one of the handles broke right below the head. Don't know what I did wrong.

    David Childress
  2. This approaches something I have wanted to try but have not gotten to. Besides I know it can be done but not the how. I have several anvils in poor shape that I would like to reface. When I worked in a die shop there was a welder we sent broken die steels to. He brazed the entire broken surface and then welded the exposed surface. Nothing he welded ever broke where broken before, had one break across his repair once. I know that I am not up to forge welding an anvil face. But I might be able to braze and then weld the surface.
    What are the details if anyone has an idea of how to do this?


  3. I have been blacksmithing for about 25 years or about 2000 hrs(I do not get to it very often). I have some idea of what I am doing. Most of my hours at the forge are demonstrating for the public. I am currently newsletter editor for the Rocky Forge Blacksmith Guild, I should be getting that newsletter out right now. I coordinate the blacksmith demos for the Indiana State Fair and am vice president of the board for the Indiana blacksmithing Association. When I get to make something it seems to always be a tool to try to make something else. I am broke and so do not buy much, at least that I admit to my wife, besides I am a proper Scotchman.

    I am trying to learn the craft and something soon hope to be as good as the average apprentice from 1860. I am to the point of being fair at the metallurgy and the processes, but really need practice.

    Next week is the Indiana State Fair any one who happens to be in the area is welcome to stop by the Pioneer Village and visit the blacksmiths, most days you might even get a chance to hammer for the crowd if you want.

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