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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Guerreiro

  1. Good day Sirs,

    I'm in the process of making a project in wich I'll need to create two rings with aprox. 2 feet in diameter in angle iron, each. I do not possess any type of "machine/apparatus" to do this so it will have to be made manually.
    Could any one please give me some tips on the best way(s) to do it?

    Thank you all

    Miguel Guerreiro

  2. Good day,

    I'm starting to build my first forge and a friend of mine gave me this Volvo truck brake drum. What do you think of it.
    It has 20" in diameter and about 12" deep, I manage to insert a smaller brake hub inside it reducing in this way the hole on the bottom of it. The hole of the smaller brake hub is just 2" making it ideal for inserting the blower pipe.


    Miguel Guerreiro

  3. Hello,

    There's a picture of my first post vise.
    It cost me 30€ and it was very rusty. I clean it reall good and give it a coat of linseed oil, fixet to a oak stump and there you have it.


  4. I think I did it. I needed to resize the images, they were to big.

    Has you can see in the last picture I've allready put the steel plate on top of the railroad stocks but it is not iet welded. I'm in the process of welding the two pieces together.
    In the horn I'm welding with some hard rods and then I'll have to regrind the all thing.

    I'll tell you that's some hard stuff to grind I'm having a lot of work doing the shapping of the horn. I'm using a big angle grinder and only after 15 minutes or so my arms are really hurting and burning (good exercise!!). I'll also have to use something over my mouth and nose because if not when I sneaze.... well you know what happens!!

    I give it a long think about how to do this baby. A friend offered me the railroad (2 pieces of 4 feet each, I still have one intact). In this way I got surface area to work on, weight and volume and if I want I can allways weld it to a piece of H or I beam and make it heavier and bigger. I'll put it on a oak stump (heavy thing) and that's that.

    Miguel Guerreiro

    So any sugestions on how to make it better are welcome

  5. Thank you all,

    I've got the Alexander Weygers book the complete modern blacksmith and I've allready seen that in there. Nice book by the way.

    I'll absolutely try the drilling with the bit you sugested. Now that you talked about it I remember to see a friend of mine who is a machinist drilling thru some bearing with such a drill, at that time I really take him for crazy but it did worked. Thank you for bring it back in my skull again.

    I'd have to say that this is some hard stuff, it has ring to it that leaves you with bells in your ears.

    Thank you once again.

    Miguel Guerreiro

  6. Hi everibody,(Hi Dr. Nick!!!, just kiding)

    I'm in the process (stil) of building a anvil from railroad. I cut a 4 feet long piece in half and welded them together, side by side. With oxy acitelene torch I cut the horn and the feet. I was able to find in a scrapyard owned by a friend a piece of chromium steel plate with 1" thick. I was able to cut the hardie hole with a angle grinder and a very thin disc, but I'm having problems in drilling the pritchel hole.
    I'd like to know if this tipe of steel can be annealled (I only bring the exact piece I needed - shame on me!!), if so I was thinking in anneal it localy (with the torch) and then drill the hole.
    Any ideas??
    I'll put some pictures of the litle beast as soon as I can find the nick of time to take and upload them.

    Thank you all.

    Miguel Guerreiro

  7. Thank you for the hint.
    Man that's one mean looking, nasty "animal" you got there.
    Build it yourself?
    I believe that it does some serious pouding!
    Is it an adaptation or build from zero?

    About my question is basically a question of curiosity, since I'm inclined to build either a tire hammer or the system you refer.

    Thank you once more.

    Miguel Guerreiro

  8. Good day to all,

    I'd really like to know how a little giant hammer clutch works.
    Is it conical?
    I really can't find a good explanation on the web. Some diagram would be nice!
    The thing is that I'm considering the construction of a power hammer and I'm undecided in using the tire clutch system or another type that may also work well.

    Pardon my english (I'm Portuguese)

    Thank you

    Miguel Guerreiro

  9. Good day,

    The plate I'll use for the face is made of high C steel, comming from the pins of the track of a caterpillar. This round piece of steel is beat and heat treated, by a blacksmith friend of mine (is father and is father's father were also blacksmiths, maybe someday I'll take some pictures of is shop and post it here), until it acheaves a flat form.
    The rail track as some numbers and letters on it and I'll check it and post it here, or maybe I'll just take some photos.
    I was thinking that maybe the best way to cutt thru it will be with an Oxyacetylene torch, what do you think?


  10. Good day

    I'd like to thank to everyone for their help and tips. The tipe of anvil I'd like to do are the two pieces of 0.6 m each welded together. The horn will be "carved" from one of the ends and to do the "table" of the anvil I will weld a flat piece of steel (about 12 cm x 40 cm by 2 cm tick). I'll try to put a scheme of the litle beast.



  11. Good day,

    Being a a starter at this questios of blacksmithing and not having a lot of money i've managed to get in hand of two pieces of RR track with 1.2m heach. I'm now proceeding to cut one of the pieces in half to make an anvil but i'm finding it very dificult to cut due to it's hardness. I'd like to know if I can anneal it and once made to retemper it and how to do this process.

    Thank you for all your help.


  12. Good Day to all the forum members,

    My name is Miguel Guerreiro and I'm from Portugal, I enjoy the art of forging iron and I which to adquire more knowledge about the theme and to make aquantance with other people with the same tastes.


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