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I Forge Iron

Dave W.

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Everything posted by Dave W.

  1. Thanks for the info. I think I was letting it get to hot. Today I kept the metal at an orange heat when I worked it and there was no problem. As far as a blade being a hard first project, I realized this before I started. I know I will probably get it wrong the first time but I will give it my best and try to make it work. Also since 1045 doesn't have enough carbon what metal would you recommend I use. Thanks again for the advice.
  2. The metal is 1045 steel How hot I get it varies because I am still learning how to control my fire, but I notice I have the problem when it gets heated to yellow. I hit it hard I guess. Hard enough to work it at least. I am trying to make a blade shape in the long run but like I said I can't get past flattening it out.
  3. Hello, I am still new to smithing so if this is a dumb question please forgive me. When I forge I bring the metal up to temp, hammer it into shape, and put it back in the heat. But when I take it out the next time to work it my previous work is gone. Right now I am trying to take a rod and flatten it out so I can try and make a knife but whenever I flatten the metal and reheat it, it comes out like I never even flattened it after the first heating. Does anyone here know what is going on with my metal? Thanks in advance.
  4. Profile change for location done. Thanks for the class info, sadly I don't think I can make it that weekend.
  5. Thanks for the info, and I am from central PA near Harrisburg.
  6. First off, hello. I am new to this forum and to smithing. I just got my forge and equipment set up a few weeks ago and I am having a problem. When I take the metal out of the fire some coal sticks to it. I didn't really worry about this at first but now my metal, that was once smooth, is getting pockmarked. It looks as if pieces have been falling off the metal. I was wondering if the coal sticking to the metal might have something to do with this and if it does how I can fix the problem. Any and all advice is welcome, thanks in advance.
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