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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by thoramighty

  1. Hello from SC I have always been interested in blacksmithing but i have no access to anyone to really teach me or for me to learn from that I know of. I am still in the process of trying to aquire a forge and some rail road track to start me off but my main thing is finding a local smith so if anyone can help please let me know.

  2. Drops?

    also, where does everyone find railroad spikes? ya'll aren't just going down to the tracks and ripping them out are ya? cause if so, I'm not taking a train ever...

    Just go along the tracks when they replace ties they usually use new spikes and just throw the old ones on th ground around them just look around for them.

    P.S. look for ones that have HC stamped on top those mean high carbon they only have like .3% carbon( if i am wrong just correct me) but when put in an ice cold water quench or super quench it hold a fair enough edge. the ones with a $ stamped on top if i remeber correctly are a copper ,steel alloy but im not positive.

    Staff addition: WARNING do NOT take or STEAL anything from the RR tracks, This is a Federal offense and there are many discussions on this Illegal activity in the forums
  3. Why does it have to be internet sources?

    The classic book Wrought Iron has a lot of history in it. And so does The Art of Blacksmithing. I do not know if the are on-line anywhere.

    You might also check to see if the Early American Industries organization has gotten their quarterly newsletter back issues on-line yet. Their articles have lots of early history in them.

    And see about finding the Saugus Iron Works national park site. They were one of the first big iron smelting sites in the early Colonies.

    It is because there arent many black smithing books at my local library. i have the only one they have "the art of blacksmithing" but thats the only one and i need more about bronze and other metals
  4. TechnicusJoe
    mostly the basics like how should i make my coal forge what tools do i need to start out and what type of coal of charcoal or whatever i need to get the highest temperature

  5. maybe some one should put this into mythbusters to see if it was a possibility that it was a thermite reaction or if we are safe of that happening.

    P.S. Glad you wernt hurt i have seen what molten lead and aluminum can do to flesh its nasty

  6. Hi im just starting in blacksmithing and i need advice on how to start. I havent made a forge yet but i was fortunate enough to find an old crank blower and a few anvils at my new home and i have been visiting this site for quite awhile so i have a general idea on what to make but i need advice about other tools and the initial building of my forge please and thank you.

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