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I Forge Iron

Steves Smithy

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Everything posted by Steves Smithy

  1. Thanks Frosty. I'm in Melbourne Australia and yes I'm looking at Fragments on the net. I'd like to think I could sift through the mire of stuff on the net but agree straying from a proven path is going to present some problems. I've almost convinced myself to use a reed switch as this is a cheap component and I can then see how the exhausting is working and inertia on the down stroke. If that doesn't work well then I'll have to design the limit switch solution which I have had some thoughts about how that would look over night.
  2. Hi, I'm very new hear and have found lots of good information. I built a power hammer some time ago and used it as a treadle hammer with an electrical foot control on the control valve. I'm not looking at the next phase which is to have it reciprocate and to control the exhaust outlets. Up stroke will be controlled by a exhaust valve on the control valve and the Down stroke via a foot control, essentially a ball valve. My question for the experts here about stroke control. I have found the thread below but down of the pictures/videos are available. It is an old post. I'm not sure how to set the Roller switches top and bottom and how these control the Cylinder When there is in effect 3 states. 1. Up and needs to go extend 2. Down and needs to go retract 3. In the middle and we could be going up or down. I have looked at the the designs that have a 5/2 way switch (not lower switch) activated when the cylinder rises but this design is a momentary application of air flow and relies upon inertia to impact the anvil. Perhaps I'm not understanding (probably since I know little in this space), but this design relies upon moving the sensor down/reducing the stroke when the pressure is reduced. Hence I was researching having a top and bottom control switch. Happy for someone to point me at a more recent post Thanks in advance.
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