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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by InTheShadow

  1. Hi Neil.

    4 hours ago, swedefiddle said:

    Good Morning, Shadow,

    I have lots of contacts for people near you. Send me a pm. What area of Vancouver are you near. I will be at Mission Raceway, next weekend. I will probably bring a Forging set-up for the evening play.

    Thanks, Neil

    I live in vancouver near queen elizabeth park.

    The wife loves Victoria. except the ferry ride can kinda suck when it's not running.

  2. Thanks frotsy for the welcome.
    Alas, I was out yesterday, and didn't check this post till i got home.

    The satanite has dried. In your experience, can i chip it off and put on the correct refractory, or should I put the proper stuff on top for a couple of layers?

    itc 296a, is supossed to be a top coat ceramic refractory, for high effiency.


    Thanks shadow

  3. Hi all, have been lurking for some time now, (as my name suggests).

    Finally broke down and bought a single burner forge off Amazon.

    It didn't come with rigidizer, so I Used fumed silica and water.

    While I have read many of your post about buttering or spraying water before applying satanite. I don't know if i used enough water. Was I suppossed to use a lot of water, like I did rigidizer. Where it was soaked? or just a misting so the satanite would stick? When I was applying, the satanite seemed to come off the ceramic blanket. (i read some where if there is too much water in the blanket , the refractory will blow it self off the fiber)

    While I intend to do a double coating of satanite and then finish off with itc 296a (on sale), I don't want to fire it up only to have a bunch fall off and don't want to waste more satanite if I should start over. Think I should fire it up with the coating I have now and see, then apply my second coating, or would that cure the coating and the satanite won't stick to the current one that is on there? Meassurement of satanite was 1lbs weighed, to 130 ml water.

    Second question, will itc 296a stick to satanite?

    kind regards Shadow. (And yes this is my gaming name)

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