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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Mag29

  1. The ones that seem decent or y’all tell me are decent go quick! Lol I’ll have to learn to be faster I guess. 

    Swedefiddle, I had found that and planned on signing my husband, Charlie, up once he opened everything for Christmas. Is there a way I could pay to go this Saturday to talk to people and say what I’m looking for but not get the membership? 

  2. I found an acme about 2 hours from me. It’s a little rough but it’s $400.00 and 100lbs. Which 100lbs is actually what my husband was looking for. He’s content with starting smaller until he gets the hang of things. You guys brought me down because I want to buy him what sounds like the best, but it would be better if he got started on one and picked his own later. 

    You all have been really helpful!! I really appreciate your patience with me!!! Definitely helped me not give up and lessened my stress.

    George N M, I do not do any of those things. My husband would be thrilled if I did. No interest right now. Maybe that will change. I said I’d never hunt, but I got my hunting certificate and plan to go this weekend for my first buck and elk… So I’m learning to never say never!

    Due to the rough edges I’m not afraid to bargain this one, or haggle it down a little more. When it’s something harder for me to see or know it’s not the best condition I’m definitely shy about it. I’ll try not to submit any more photos…..











  3. I apologize for not placing my location. Figuring all this out. I live in Washington State, US. 

    My husband does not currently forge. I bought him a class to forge a knife to make sure he would like it in 2018 (we started watching forged and fire and that’s how he learned about forging) and he’s been obsessed with it even more so ever since. He seems to know a lot for someone who doesn’t own his own forge. In my opinion ☺️but he is aware he could learn so much more.

    Most steel anvils that I have found range from $700 (usually not in very good condition from what I can tell) $850 or $1000 or more depending on the brand of anvil, weight, and condition. If buying one so expensive seems unreasonable for a beginner any advice on what to get him to start with? If I understand correctly, the heavier the anvil the better. I’m not looking for 200lbs or heavier right now. I started looking between 75-100 at first. After I kept reading I went up to 150lbs-ish for the heaviest. I guess on this part I’m at a loss. I don’t want to buy cast iron preferably, but I don’t want to be unreasonable either. My BIL’s recommended Vevor as one to buy since it’s not so expensive, but I’m not sure on the quality. 

    if offering $600-$700 after testing it, would that seem kind of like an insult since most seem to go for more around my area? Or am I just looking in the wrong places?


    Last question. I ordered the AIA book, but could someone tell me when the A&H was made? I think is the serial number: 35935.


    thank you all for your input/advice. I’ve been looking for about a month and I feel like I'm hitting brick walls trying to get this done.

  4. I am looking for some advice. I don’t actually forge, but I’m looking to buy my husband an anvil for Christmas. I’ve been reading a lot of reviews on different anvils and have gathered some good info on knowing what’s a good deal, anvil, etc. 

    I just found an anvil by Arm and Hammer. Looked on here and read a little about it being a pretty good anvil. There is one for sale for $900 but it’s a 6 hour drive. It’s 151lbs and it’s looks to be in good shape. Would it be worth me driving 6 hours away to buy it because it’s such a good deal? I realize rebound and such I can’t check until I’m there. But in general does it sound good? He has dropped the price due to not being able to sell it. I live on the west coast.

    ah anvil 1.jpg

    ah anvil 2.jpg

    ah anvil 3.jpg

    ah anvil 4.jpg

    Also, it’s not actually sold. He marked it as sold due to the location being wrong.

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