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I Forge Iron

Tim Harvey

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Posts posted by Tim Harvey

  1. Hey Jenifer 

    I’ve been reading this thread for a long time and you’re doing a fantastic job with this project . You have skills that most people only dream of . 
    I wrote you a comment on one of your YouTube videos and you responded to me, I’ve got to get some pictures of my stuff for you and maybe the team on IFI . 
    I want to rebuild our old farm shop as it’s nearly had it . Have steel beams and a lot of things gathered . Worried about the cost of concrete and the cost of roofing and wall tin for a 60x40 ft building . Can’t afford it this year but hopefully next year . 
    Thank you for sharing your experience with your build , definitely an encouragement . 

    all the best 


    New Zealand 

  2. Sad news , I followed Thomas and always checked on here to see how he was doing . Now Glenn , what a shame I never got to talk with him , I’ve read so many things he wrote on this site , he certainly was a wise man and seemed so willing to help others , prayers for his family . May  God be with you all at this time . 

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