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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Curse

  1. I do a lot of metal work, smithing and art, and haven't found the "perfect" vise.

    I have came close though - and that was from a Flea Market. An old 4" Yost Forged Steel Heavy Duty vise for 12.50 is the best overall vise I have ever encountered. I wouldn't have had the money to buy a new one but this case of someone not knowing what they had worked out well for me. There's no downside to this one - it can take insane amounts of pressure and high impact sharp blows from a 6lb hammer with zero negative effects. Can clamp it as hard as I wanna, no worries.

    Second best I got on clearance from Eastwood - a 8" Yost Cast Steel Medium-Heavy-Duty job. It lacks some of the precision of the first one I mentioned but it's still a beast. Think it was on clearance for 91.00, free shipping. It can clamp some really good pressure and hold steel tight for heavy cutting and grinding. I am a little careful about any heavy, sharp blows because cast steel is Not forged steel. Don't worry much about clamping it down hard.

    Third is a large, cast iron, 6" Tektron Heavy Dury I use for lighter work. Also have a 4" Pony for lighter work. I found them for about 40-50 each. The Tektron is sturdy, for cast iron, and clamps well. Not incredibly precise but, for what it is, it's a servicable vise. Definitely want to avoid any accidental heavy, sharp blows...I don't use it when that is a concern. It can clamp down super hard but... it's cast iron, so I keep that in mind. Honestly, duty classification wise, it can't really stack up to the Yost Medium-Heavy, regardless of how it's labeled.

    The Pony is light - medium vise. It's precise and clamps down well by hand, but I wouldn't push it. A heavy blow from a 6 lb hammer would kill it. But for light, finer work, it's actually a pretty decent little vise.

    Also I have a small 3" Yost "clamp to your table" vise. Very light duty, mostly for holding things while I stain, seal, polish, ect...it does a fine job but it's not truly a vise so much as an item holder.

    Got an Old 4" cast iron Chicago Vise from Flea Market for less than 20.00. I don't use it much but it's pretty decent in all categories, actually pretty impressive and really well made, but it's kind of a back up for the Tektron in case it ever dies. 

    Lastly had an Irwin Medium Cast Iron. It died. Pretty much the worst vise I have ever encountered...and probably the most expensive that I actually paid full price for. Almost, but not quite, junk.

    So learn vise's and hit flea markets. You will find what works for you eventually. I am a Yost fan, but even thier lower end stuff should probably be avoided.

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