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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Mkcn7168

  1. So do I need to use a product like satanite after the rigidizer (in the case of the blanket) and before the Plistix? Or, can I just rigidize and Plistic everything? Really paranoid about ceramic fibers.
  2. Thanks gents. I'll take a look at the link you provided.
  3. Hi, Frequent lurker, first time poster. I tried several searches but didn't find what I'm looking for. I bought a Diamondback Series 3 Blacksmith forge and I want to rigidize this bad boy. This forge has an opening on either end and a top hinge door on a long side. This door has a liner of ceramic blanket. The other walls and the ceiling have what appear to be some type of ceramic board. It is not fire brick, which is on the bottom, but feels and looks like what I would imagine ceramic wool would look like if you compressed it. My questions: 1) on the wool: do I need to rigidize and then coat with a refractory cement (e.g., satanite), or just use a rigidizer? If it's there, I missed it, but a stickied 'how to' would be awesome. 2) on the ceramic boards, do these need to be coated with anything? 3) I'm concerned the door will be a problem due to fragility. Would I be better off pulling the wool and using some of this ceramic board? Thanks to all on advance. Mike
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