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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by SupaConducta

  1. I'm running into a problem finding a rigidizer dealer. It can't freeze so many people including Glenn cannot ship it right now. I found one company, High temp Tools, but they are backordered. I am looking for somebody local-ish to the Gulf coast who has rigidizer in stock. Hopefully close enough where it wouldn't be sent a hub city like Louisville that is freezing. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  2. Frosty if my wife talks me out of it, I'll just fence in the neighbor's yard. They might be mad that they can't get out of their driveway but whatever.
  3. Anvil, project size is relative. I come from the film industry where cities are built in a month. I'm not sure I'm going back to the industry at all due to a work accident giving me some time to reflect. I'm pretty much done with 16 hour days and don't look forward to going back to that lifestyle. I have been waiting on Workers comp for 2.5 years to settle. It was settled a few weeks ago and now i can get a minor surgery and get on with my life...and get some new toys. It's not that fancy of a project most of it is fabricated bar. The fence is more of a down time project for my old crew where I make the fancy bits for the top at my leisure. And due to the amount of finials, those will probably have to wait until I get access to a power hammer. Who knows, those might get shopped out since I'm not too into manufacturing tedium. Been there - done that with my fresh greenery wreath and garland company. I do the special orders and give the tedium to the hourly employees. The fence is still in the planning stages, a little marble rolling around my head saying pick me! My wife is pushing for a woven wooden fence that can stand up to hurricanes since we've replaced the dog ear board kind twice in ten years and it needs to be replaced again. Just considering my options out loud. Anyway what I want and what is going to happen are two different things. The small, learning hammer technique and forging projects are more like keychain fobs or whatever is in the project books, making some tools, etc. with historical recreations being the eventual end goal.
  4. Just did the math on how many acorns. Maybe I don't need one because one every 4 inches , 900, sounds awful just for some decorations and I'd be too miserable to even jump in a river.
  5. Frosty Im building a gate and 300 foot of fence with acorn finials. Kinda need the swag unless I want to just jump into the mississippi. I think... The multiple anvils are so the kids leave mine alone
  6. Forgeclay Works: Sounds like my youngest kid. Just hopped on his big brother's bike and took off on the first try! So in your opinion I'm good with just buying a good one and I don't have much to worry about in damaging a giant block of hardened steel? I don't know what I'm expecting to happened (explosions, collapsing molecular bonds, creation of a black hole, whatever ) with tinkering around with making some finials in a spring swage for a wrought iron fence, and hammering out a set of tools, but I am a bit of a bull in a china shop sometimes. I'm probably just over thinking it, it's not like im going to be swinging a 20 pound sledge against cold admantium, but I would rather over-think then end up with a $1500 dinged up mess that will need resurfaced. I know they last 100's of year with care. Just trying to soak in some knowledge. I'm probably going to end up making a block, buying the atlas and the refflinghaus since when I let it be known to my family, my wife and two kids want in on the fun as well.
  7. Irondragon that looks like a nice setup. A few weeks ago, they cleaned up all the drainage canals and I wish I would have been paying attention to the 5 miles of stumps that were on the side of the road.
  8. Off topic on my own post but it's pretty cool to be meeting so many people on here already! How's the Rock treating you Frazer? I went to RIT about 20 years ago and afterwards I was the stage manager at the Downstairs Cabaret for a year or so before I headed down south to SHC's territory. I woke up one day and had 4 feet of snow covering my car and nothing on the road so I had to go to work. I said xxxx this I'm heading south, packed and left. I was thinking about heading up there this spring to go to the lilac festival. Thanks, Goods. That's what I was worried about. I'd rather get something cheaper to abuse. I was pointed towards the way of Atlas anvils, and since they're a solid block with little shape, they look like I can send them out to be machined pretty cheap if I destroy it or if I want it cleaned up to sell.
  9. Thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate everybody who has taken the time to respond so far.
  10. I want to get into blacksmithing by learning on small projects and then getting into knives, and hopefully in a few years or decades become skilled enough to make historical weapon replicas and locks. I am wondering which way I should go for a first anvil. There isn't much in way of classes close to where I live, and it always seems like they meet ups and hammer-ins happen on days where I don't have the time to drive 3-5 hours to get to them, so at the moment I'm on my own. I can splurge and have my eye on a new Refflinghaus #56 - 110 lbs. BUT I have no clue what I'm doing - so will I destroy it? Are these creme de la creme anvils more like a Lamborghini or Volvo? Are they durable enough for a clumsy guy to beat on and still be in good condition to make skilled work after I pay my dues? I've read lots of reviews in this group about how wonderful they are from experienced smiths, but are they appropriate for a beginner fumbling about trying to make nails and roses? Would a better choice be to go with something like a Kanca, which is about 1/4 of the price and they quality seems to be hit or miss, so I won't be too sad if I miss a bunch and chip the edges and dent the top? I don't like to spend money twice or buy things that lose value quickly. If something like a Refflinghaus or Peddinghaus will hold up forever, I would rather go with them, then to buy something inexpensive, just to destroy and need to replace it because of my incompetence. I look forward to seeing your thoughts on which way I should go. Thank you.
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