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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by NRTHMI

  1. Hi TW and thank you for your information.  The anvil has wonderful rebound, approximately 90% over the entire face.  There are three handling holes, one on each side of the waist and one in the bottom.   The hardy hole appears to be punched and the round hole could be drilled, but not sure.  The makers mark “Wilkinson” in the bold large type I can’t find in any other photos.  I really need to get that American anvil book.  I love history and now have a piece of it.  My great grandfather was a blacksmith that came over from Switzerland and my uncle has his anvil and I have his leg vise. 

    Thanks again



  2. Hi everyone,   I am new to this site and find everything fascinating.   I am planning on setting up a forge in northern Michigan.  I have my great grandfathers blacksmith leg vise  and just got this vise from my dad.  My grandmother got it at a garage sale for $200 back in the 80’s.  It appears to be a Wilkinson anvil with the name and location of Dudley on it.  On the back side of the anvil appears to have the English weight of, 1   0  10 which should equate to 122lbs.  Also on the base it has 120# stamped into it with a modern looking stamp and also a letter “I” or 1 that looks like an original old mark.  My question is the Wilkinson mark is different from any that I have seen.  It has holes in the base and the waist for working the wrought iron and the face is in fair condition with good rebound.  
    Any information on date and an idea of the marking name would be greatly appreciated along with any information.  Thank you in advance for any response.  










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