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I Forge Iron

Phil Burns

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Everything posted by Phil Burns

  1. I can deffinately see where you are coming from with this. But on the other hand when you become a Blacksmith, member of the 'brotherhood' or the 'clan' or whatever title you wish to call it. At the end of the day we all have that common skill and love of turning a dull piece of metal into a beautiful object or work of art. weither it be a simple bracket, or an Ornamental Gate. We all share that pride of achievement. And I believe it to be more of a common courtesy to asist or pass on the 'tips of the trade' if we can. I was fortunate to have served a full and rewarding apprenticeship under what I concidered to be a true Master Blacksmith. I left school at 15 and spent the next 7. Yes 7 years! under the control and guidance of a man who came from several generations of Smiths. And if it wasn't for him passing on his knowledge and skills over those years. Then I know I would not have achieved what I have done since. "Blacksmithing is a trade you will never stop learning!" was the first thing he said to me back in 1972!!. And how true that is. Although I have moved on since those days. I have converted my garage into a Forge / Workshop just to keep my hand in. Remember guys Blacksmithing is a trade that has evolved over the centuries of time, and if we don't pass on those skills and little words of wisdom to help out our fellow tradesmen occasionally. As those before us have done then this noble art of ours has a danger of dying out. Maybe its not a god given right to tell everything we know. But I don't feel we should refuse if asked.
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