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Posts posted by giantdude33

  1. Once I get a fire going in this I will post my findings …I’m curious myself.. apparently returning the hot gas back through the blower and back into the firebox add some fuel efficiency ??anyway, it’ll be cool just to see the smoke sucked  back through the blower…

  2. On 11/19/2022 at 6:40 AM, giantdude33 said:

    Some folks have asked for pictures so I wanted to include what I have so far.

    I have finally finished my Forge project. Two things that I would like to add if I find them are an



    original quench box and a buffalo motor to drive the blower.

  3. Thanks for all of the great suggestions. After I posted I was able to break out a small chunk. Then, with the patience everyone suggested, I was able to chip out larger chunks separating them from the cast pan. It took a couple of hours but it is completed without any casualty ( to the forge of course). 

    Thanks again for everyone's assistance!! 

  4. I need to remove the refractory from a cast forge pan in order to free up and remove the firebox.  I don't want to use Muriatic acid to "eat" the concrete if I can avoid it. I have tried a chisel to break it but it is strong stuff and I am concerned about breaking the cast pan.  

    Any knowledge/wisdom/advise from everyone with more experience  and smarter than myself would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Great pictures. The hand crank blower is original to the forge. The blower below the forge looks to be a sheet metal job , probably a squirrel cage blower put together for some unknown purpose. but not original.  The picture  below is your blower out of  a catalog. 



    Blackwater forge of this forum posted a 6660 with both a hand crank and electric blower attached but had no pictures.  PACO312 had a picture of a 6660 posted very similar to yours. If you could post a picture of the back that would be great. It should have a gas return tube connected back to the blower. 

  7. 3 hours ago, TWISTEDWILLOW said:

    I’ve got a lot of forge parts and parts forges but I ain’t got anything for a an down draft rigs, I’ll keep my eye out here locally though for you, if I come across any parts I’ll let ya know,

    I appreciate your keeping an eye out for me. Thanks in advance for all your help.

    3 hours ago, Frosty said:

    The probabilities are laughably remote but I'll keep an eye out too.

    Frosty The Lucky.

    Thank you for your help . It is greatly appreciated.

  8. Some folks have asked for pictures so I wanted to include what I have so far. The forge is complete except for the 200 blower and the gas return tube. My father had it buried in his barn for 40 years and I recently rescued it. Please keep me in mind if you run across anyone that may have parts.  Many thanks for the responses and assistance. 






    20 hours ago, Frosty said:

    If you have a good drawing a large truck type muffler shop shouldn't have trouble making the "duct". Of course you can buy exhaust pipe and weld it up yourself. You'll need what, one elbow and a couple short sections, maybe a size adapter? 

    Finding THE parts will be a quest of near  D&D proportions, might even run into a sooty old dragon.

    Frosty The Lucky.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I know the quest will be hard but I am hopeful. I am one of those guys that like to restore back to original...I know, it's a sickness. Last year I had a No.3 Buffalo blower missing the 1/2 moon gear and finally found that part so I remain optimistic in my quest. 

    20 hours ago, JHCC said:

    That's a tough one; those forges are rare enough to start with, let alone finding spare parts. I would imagine that you could fabricate something, though. Do you have pictures of what you've got so far?

    We had some other discussion of this a couple of years ago; here's that thread:


    I have posted some pictures. Many thank for the thread.

  9. I am looking for a part for a buffalo 660 downdraft forge. The forge is complete except for the blower and the re-circulation tube that goes from the back of the forge to the blower inlet. I may be able to find the blower but the tube will be a challenge. If anyone knows of someone that has a forge parts junkyard any help is appreciated.

  10. It is 10" from the center of the handle shaft to the base circle of the gear on the clutch drive. I have looking for a 10" gear that I could retro fit and had not thought about a toothed belt. When I fully restore the blower I will have to have a solution and the belt may be my best bet.


    I will of course cross all fingers and continue my quest to find an original gear. 


    Thanks everyone for your great suggestions.    

  11. Below are some pictures of the blower. The last picture is from the Buffalo catalog and shows the gear that I am missing. I know its a long shot but if anyone ever runs across a gear like this please contact me. I am new to this forum and blogs in general and have already been scolded by the moderator for posting my email address. I guess the best way to get a hold of me is to reply to this blog and I will keep checking back. Thanks in advance.   




    gear 2021-08-24 163216.png

  12. I recently bought a Buffalo #3 blower. It is complete  except for the  10" 1/2 moon drive gear. If you know of anyone that might have such an item please contact me. Thanks in advance.   email address removed per TOS, to contact send a PM.

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