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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Spanky

  1. Thanks for the warm welcome!

    Yes, I’m in Massachusetts; the man who sold me the anvil told me it had belonged to his grandfather in Tewksbury.

    To my (decidedly inexpert) testing it has a lovely ring and excellent rebound.

    The two extra Pritchel holes are very cleanly drilled through several inches of steel and it’s hard for me to imagine they were added later (did they have hardened steel bits that would do that 75-100 years ago?) but I suppose they could be.

    I didn’t see any markings on the underside of the base when I brushed it up but I can try check again & post a picture tomorrow.  What am I looking for?

    (PS - still having rotator cuff trouble from the last time I took my anvil bowling.  Be warned!)

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