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Posts posted by DailyFrame

  1. X-ray is not really an option, and no other experts have really looked this over.  I will take a couple more pics today to see if I can show those edges better. 

    One other detail to make clear:  The top plate is not perfectly parallel to the bottom.  Most anvils (I think) tend to have a flat surface on top
    that is perfectly level / parallel to the bottom of the base, but this one has the top plate at a noticeable grade that you may be able to see in the photos.  A ball bearing
    would roll from back to front on this surface, which also indicates it has been (maybe poorly) altered.

  2. I'm afraid I am not a good judge of a ring test, but as others have mentioned, it certainly does not sound like my other anvils
    and the ringing sound is not really there like I have heard on other anvils that are all original.

    Bounce test I have one on other better quality anvils has been 75% or better but this one is more like 50-60% I think.

    So I think everything points to metal being added here but just not sure how it was done.  If you zoom on the pics you can see the detail of
    the sides.  

    Thanks again for all of the input.

  3. Thanks all for the extra info - very much appreciated.  The odd thing is I see no evidence on outside faces of a weld mark or grinding, but I see small cavities
    and evidence of something being done.  I handle a lot of antiques, and nothing about this suggests it was done very recently.  It was very well rusted when I got 
    it, so what you see is result after I took a wire cup wheel to it to clean it up.  

    The sides have very consistent texture from top to bottom which does not seem to make sense if the upper portion was perimeter welded on later, but again, I
    will defer to more expert opinion on that.

    That is why I thought maybe it was re-forged somehow.

    Is it possible that it was just made this way?

    Last:  I took a large 1.5 inch ball bearing and the result was less than spectacular ;0)  I have owned several other anvils and the ball bearing test was 
    poor at best!

  4. Hi all - I found an old Wooldridge and Sons Anvil here in East TN that just looks odd to me.  The sides of this anvil appear normal with the maker mark and 
    weight and date marks, but the top looks like it may have been re-done at some point.  No hardy or anything on top, but hole through the front.

    The maker mark is different than I have seen in other pics.  This does not have "and Sons" on it that I can tell.  There is another name under "Wooldridge"
    but it is hard to make out.  It weighs about 130+ so the weight mark appears correct (I think) but I am no expert on these.

    My question is:  Was this a regular anvil that has had a new steel plate put on top?  If so, how would it have been attached?  Was it forge welded just on top?

    Also:  This is dated 1847 w "WW" under the date.  Any background on that would be appreciated.

    I will try to attach some pics here of details.  









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