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I Forge Iron

Blessed Silence

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Posts posted by Blessed Silence

  1. Just wanted to drop in and say hi and thanks to yall for the information that I've gotten so far. I've just recently built my first forge out of an old cast irom wood stove as well as a couple of charcoal hearths from 50 gal. drums (crude but none the less effective). I've descided to go kinda "primivite" with my smithing I know a lot of people use a little more modernized forges, but I kinda like the "romance" of doing things the old fashioned way:) I'll be picking up my first anvil this weekend and be starting on a very basic knife design. I'll prolly post the designs and pics as i go through my first major project and look forward to any critique or advice that I might recieve. Thanks again for getting me set on this path I think that its something that will give me hours of pleasure through out my life.

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