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I Forge Iron


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  • Location
    Atlanta, Ga... therabouts
  • Biography
    I do blacksmithing, but also woodoworking, bowyering and fletching and priciply artist type stuff.
  • Interests
    writing, gaming
  • Occupation
    farm work
  1. Hi, I'm new to the forum, *wave*. Anyone can thread this if they need to talk to me, but my main reason for posting is to get a cheap dirty finishing technique I just learned webbed. I wouldn't be so hubristic but I've never seen it online or dead tree published and I found it to be really useful. My shop has only been producing for six months or so, so I consider myself def' the neophyte, but finishing can really make a mediocre piece look classy. What I found, was that while I was using a drill press set to high rpm, with a sanding drum(the kind with a rubber roundy thing) that if I dropped the sleeve of the drum halfway down and used a strong abrasive I got miraculous results. Now, high end shops sell drums that can be inflated/deflated and this would probably achieve the same affect, but this setup can be done for ten bucks or so... as opposed to fifty. Now, if I had a sanding belt, which I've played with so few times, I'm sure I could get the same results. But this is cheap and dirty. Maybe someone could pull it off with a drill motor? Anyway, I hope this helps someone out. And thanks to the admins for the site, I know this post is probably in the wrong forum, but I beg lenience on grounds of newberi. thanks all,
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