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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by JayNev

  1. Thanks for the replies. I'm certainly are that the problem is entirely with my setup and bit the fuel choice. If I were to add a fire pot is there any detriment of using steel rather than clay or vice versa? It's not clear in the photos but there is a gate on the bottom of the flue(?) [Ash trap?] for regulating the air but closing it seemed to have better results from my limited experimentation so far. I'll check out the JABOD threads for some ideas. Thanks
  2. Hi All, I've just started experimenting with blacksmithing having been watching lots of videos about it over the last year. I've cobbled together a bottom blast forge with the intention of using charcoal simply because of its wide availability. The blower is a butchered hair dryer; the heating element was in series so couldn't be removed and it burnt out after one afternoon of use. The 24V fan motor inside is being driven now by a 12V transformer. The problem which I am finding is that I can get to a bright orange but no hotter. This seems like it's not quite hot enough to make the metal move easily for more than 10 seconds and it certainly won't be hot enough to do any forge welding. The blower does seem to be providing plenty of air to my untrained eye. My potential hypotheses: The blower is not strong enough and it's proving enough air, or air of the wrong speed or pressure(?) The fire is too spread out with the open bowl so that the heat is escaping Bottom blast is not the right configuration for charcoal My potential solutions: A new blower. I wouldn't know with what I should replace it; any suggestions? Add a fire pot to focus the air and heat. What would be best: Clay? thick steel welded into the bowl? Change to using coke instead of charcoal Start over and make a side blast or gas forge If there's something totally obvious, that'd be great, but I get the impression that asking 10 smiths will gain 10 different answers to any question. I've added photos of the forge and the "striking anvil" that I'm using. Cheers Jay
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