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Posts posted by RatFink310

  1. Irondragon, she said that he used it to hold parts when he was welding stuff and basic vise holding of parts. She asked me what I was going to do with it and told her I am just starting to pick up blacksmithing. She was glad to hear that I was going to use it for what it was intended to be used. I did not ask about other tools as where she was living did not see any thing that would allude to him having a forge.  

  2. I am just getting started in blacksmithing and just stumbled on to this vise not really looking but grazing stuff for sale on Facebook. The best part was that it was located only about 10 miles away. I got this Leg vise last Friday. The lady that had it up for sale said it was her 98 year old father's and he passed away couple month ago. form what I can tell by stamping's it is a Columbia 5" jaw vice 60lbs from top of jaws to bottom of the foot is 40 1/2 inches tall. It disassembled with out a hitch and the threads look to be in great shape. Over all it does not look to have been abused so in process of cleaning it up and painting it black.  

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  3. Laynne,

    Thanks that is all I came up with too just a little bit ago. I was hoping as a long shot that someone may have more information. It is always interesting to find out the history of things that have been around a while. I also did look up Peabody, KS and yes your only couple hours south. I was down in Hutchinson couple weekends ago and the name Peabody rang a bell and yep went right through there going and coming back. 

  4. Hello all,

    As this is first post to this form and just getting ducks in a row to start learning to move metal via forge, fire and hammer. I have acquired a this vice from my father. I was my great grand fathers vice and dad (now 83 years old) remembers  using it as a kid in his grandpa's work shop. Knowing that I like old tools and wanting to get into blacksmithing gave it to me. As you can see by the pictures it needs clean up and repairs to the mounting plate. All I know is that has a No 34 at the bottom and I can not find any other markings on it. I was hoping someone here might be able to help in the identification of maker, type of vice and any possible suggestions on repair. I realize that it is a bench type vice and I am planing on mounting it to a post so it can be move around the smithy and work shop as needed. I think I will mostly use it as a vice to hold bending jigs for doing "S" hooks and the sort so not to abuse it and create any more damage than what has been done. 


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