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I Forge Iron

navren scafidi

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Posts posted by navren scafidi

  1. ok i managed to get 2 barrels working. A .45cal and a way more wrist freindly 38. I found out that if you make your own barrel in the rennisance style it will Not hold up to current standard smokless powder, even if its made correctly. Only use basic black powder. any way ill have some pics of the barrels and the finished guns in about a week when i finish making the handles.:)

  2. Im attempting to make a set of flintlock rifles and pistols, can anyone tell me or show me how to make the barrel? Iv done it twice allready but they blow out the side when i test them. Iv been wraping steel around a piece of scroll steel and stick welding it. Is there a better way to do it?:confused:

  3. im new here but it seams like a monthly chalenge should be easy enough for the newbies while still being a chalenge for the experienced members.
    i like the idea of the monthly project. so as an idea for matterials: railroad spikes, horse shoes, leaf springs, and wagon tounges are easily obtainable and are a lot of metal to play with and some pretty cool stuff can come out of it.

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