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I Forge Iron

Beckie Elliott

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Posts posted by Beckie Elliott

  1. Thanks for the encouragement and vote of confidence!  I will continue to read up on this fasciating hobby that you seem to enjoy so much.  I have a friend that is a ferrier (for the black horse troop that goes to all the inaugurations).  His wife welds some creative things from horseshoes!  And another friend who is welds and uses plasma cutters for a living...he has joined a blacksmithing club!  Maybe this funny shaped piece of iron will be mine!!

  2. Thanks for all the info and for getting back so quickly!  Will try to post some pictures soon.  I assume you all use your anvil for their intended purpose.  However, ours will probably be a display item (I call my husband a very organized hoarder..ha) 

  3. My husband brought home an old anvil tonight that he got cleaning out an old barn for a friend.  I did a rubbing & found that the trademark is Trenton.  I know nothing about these heavy pieces of steel but I am interested in learning.  At the base on the left side it seems to have a casting of "Z" 150 or "Z" 159.  To the right of that is "A" 41313.  I am assuming the 150/159 is the weight and that the other casting is possibly a serial number.  Any insight that you can give us new endeavor will be greatly appreciated.

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