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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Tempest89

  1. Thanks everyone I appreciate all the replays and have learned something about my anvil.
  2. I cleaned it up with just a wire brush. I found some numbers on it and did another ping test.20180406_102412.mp4
  3. I had my father in law who is a mechanic look at it and basically told me it was cast iron but I'm not sure. I've tried to find a forsure way of telling what it is. I have no idea of how to find out. I saw a video of a colonial anvil my size and style that was ductile cast iron that was tempered and the hammer ping on that guys sounds like mine. It rings with a high pitch. 20180404_130451.mp4 Maybe this can help figure it out this is a bounce test video very short
  4. I have found it the anvil is cast iron witch is a let down I thought it was steel or at least had a steel plate. I did clean it up with a wire brush since my last post. I paid $350 for this anvil so I'm wondering if I wasted my money. I don't want to damage it anymore then it already is but I want a anvil I can work on.
  5. I just bought this anvil I don't know the make and the only markings is on the side which says 96 on the far right so I think it's a year but I can see the first 2 numbers. Anyone know what kinds of make this might be.
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