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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Conrad

  1. Just a small wound, but my own stupidity and lesson learned.

    When I was learning to stick weld I didn't quite grasp the concept of keeping an even distance, and often touched the electrode to the steel; obviously this just causes the arc to stop and the electrode sticks to the steel.
    I twisted the rod until it snapped off, and to this day I have no idea why, but I grabbed the little stubby bit still attached to the steel. It, obviously, burned straight through the glove and left me with a perfect scar on my finger. It makes my fingerprints unique on my left hand!

  2. Chainsaw - a good friend of mine had the same thing, his daughter was diagnosed with an optic glioma aged 7 months old. He's started a trust fund for her, I used to be a manager for it but unfortunately my life has stepped in the way, and living 3500 miles away now has made it somewhat more difficult to continue.

    This is their website.

    Liberty Rose Finn

    I recommend you get in touch with them, Carl is trying to raise awareness around the world and already has a huge following, adding your case to the list would be immensely beneficial for both parties.

    Best of luck - these can't be easy times for you.

  3. Im in Richibucto , kent county. Maybe we can meet sometimes this summer.
    Also one of my buddys lives in this town and hes smithing too.

    There is a fellow in Shediac that has blacksmith shop called HERITAGE WROUGHT IRON that im going to check out soon. Maybe il move to shediac and work for the guy, that would be a dream job:D

    I see your wanting an anvil, Il keep my eyes peeled and let u know if i find one:rolleyes:

    Would be cool to meet someone (reasonably) local. If you're into cars I may be attending the classic car show in Moncton this year in my 1970 Pontiac LeMans... Provided I can get it running in time. That's when I'll be closest to your end of the world anytime I can think of!

    That would be great if you could keep an eye open for an anvil, I'm really struggling to find one! I can always buy one brand new, but I don't want to wreck one when I'm still learning how to do it!

    Thanks. :cool:
  4. Hi everyone,

    Name's Conrad (I'm rather unimaginative with usernames!) and I'm a multi-national world traveller, currently residing in the east end of Canada.

    A little background:

    I was born and raised in South Africa. From there I moved to Singapore, after that England, now Canada. I've visited a fair few other countries in between too. All by the tender age of 22!

    My grandfather was a bit of an artist, he loved creating anything and everything from painting to making things with steel, glass, wood and any other material at hand. I guess it's from his influence that I grew my love of steelworking, especially knifemaking.

    I have, so far, a forge, blower and chimney. Now all I need is to finish building my workshop (which I'll do when the winter finally leaves) - so far I've just laid the foundations and put up the profiles. Then I need to buy an anvil and I'll start with some basic stuff. :)

    Well, that's me...

  5. Hi!

    Whereabouts in NB are you? I'm out on Grand Lake, I'm new to the whole blacksmithing gig (though I've wanted to do it for years - my grandfather used to tinker), and am going to be finishing my forge when the spring rolls around.

    Would be nice to make contact with another person interested in the trade the only other ones I know of hereabouts are Viet Weber and Jake Powning.

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