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Posts posted by BradB

  1. WNC Goater: that's a good question. 

    I know your not gonna believe me when I say this but the anvil was pretty much a barn find and the owner said throw out a number for it. I told him $100 (just to start low on the price) and he said na it's not worth that much, I'll take $75 for it. Of course with me being new to smithing I didn't really know what I had till I got it home and started researching on it. 

  2. Scrambler82- yes I've done the rebound test with a ball bearing and it rebounds right around 75-80 percent of the height in which I drop it. 


    ThomasPowers- yes I'm in the USA, central Arkansas.


    the anvil other than the cut is in mostly great shape. The corners are mostly all there and has a beautiful ring when tapped with a hammer 


  3. I just bought a Soderfors anvil that's in need of some TLC. It has a rather big cut in the face of the anvil (almost looks to me that someone was using a cutting torch and burned into the face). The brand name and other identifying marks are hard to see but I think I can make out Soderfors on one side and 110 lbs on the other so I'm wanting to find out more info on the anvil. Also wanting to find out how to fix the cut into the face. It don't seem like it's delaminating because the anvil rings all around the cut but would like to keep it from cracking. So my biggest question is should I try welding it or at least get a small round grinder bit and round out the cut (like when you have a crack in wood and drill a hole at each end to keep it from spreading). Only paid $75 for the anvil so Im hoping I didn't get hurt on the buy. 





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