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I Forge Iron


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    Phoenix, Arizona

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  1. No worries there, I was too close to finishing my degree to just drop out and I knew that a degree would be helpful even if it had nothing to do with the job, so I made sure to power through and graduate last semester. It was more a matter of whether I wanted to spend another 4-8 years in school for a job I no longer wanted or to spend the same time doing what I actually want to do (even if it's only in my spare time).
  2. I recently found myself a quarter through my final year at university, but instead of thinking about my studies or what graduate school I wanted to go to I had become obsessed with blacksmithing. I would skip entire days worth of classes just to study as much as I could, until I came to the realization that I hated what I was in school for, and what I really wanted to be was a blacksmith. I've spent the last year trying to learn as much as I could, and in the last few weeks I've finally been able to pick up a hammer to try it for myself, but I'm nowhere near where I want to be yet. So I thought the time had come to introduce myself and talk with people who know all the things I don't. So, hello everyone!
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