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I Forge Iron

Family tracker

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Everything posted by Family tracker

  1. Damm auto correct was Supost to read attach not attack. I will get a floor flange and go that rought then thanks for the information.
  2. The only problem with the hole that's already ther is it seems a little thin at the edges about 1/4 thick and the opening is about 4 1/4 wide. If I could get away with it I would love yo clay it in and just use it and not cut into it but I don't want to set myself up for failure ether. If I use the existing after I clay and attack fitting the depression will only be about 3 inches deep will this be deep enough?
  3. I just picked up a old coal forge but it will need the lower hardware. My question is can i cut the firebox out and drop in a break drum that i already have all the plumbing for? Or do i need to buy a new fire box they all seem to be 85-200 which is way more than i spent on the forge to begin with. Here is a picture of the forge table. Any help or sujestions would be great . Also do i need to line it with refractory cement> sorry if these are stupid questions im just trying to get started. Thanks
  4. Hello, I have been dabbling in blacksmithing for about 5 years now. I moved to the area about a year ago. I had a basic forge set up with some basic tools at our old house but lost them all to someone in the move, but that is another story altogether. Now that we have a house out in the country side I can finally begin to put down roots and set up shop. I'm in the process of building a three sided barn/shed as my smithery. I will have a ton of questions going forward and honestly would love to find a established smith to work under close by if there are any who are takeing pupils.
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