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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by heavyT

  1. thanks for the feedback Gent's.  All it says on it is Canadian - but it surely stands to reason it could be CDN Forge and Blower.  Once I hit it with the wire wheel and clean it up I'll get some pics up.  It looks like a tool steel top forged onto a cast or wrought base.  

  2. Hey all, my first post here.  Today I picked up a Canadian Anvil from a local fellow.  Its in great shape, and I got a good deal.  I believe it to be 150lbs, but haven't had a chance yet to clean it up and check for markings.  It has Canadian, on the side, and is a farriers anvil.  I haven't been able to find much online about this maker.  Can anyone out there tell me anything by chance?

    Thanks, Tom

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