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I Forge Iron

Athen R Dailey

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Status Updates posted by Athen R Dailey

  1. House stark! I havn't watched since season 3 so I am not too sure if that's good or bad at this point but...Yeah.

  2. Desiree Nunn you, will, most certainly be making something similar to this in the relatively near future.. I mean, it's a pizza pot pie, it's like totally my 3 favorite things. Pizza, Pot, and pie.

    If you have Never heard of Doug Benson or the movie super high me, this probably won't make much sense to you ;) lol

  3. shut up and take my money!

  4. Hahaha I could just imagine hurting that out of nowhere

  5. Retweeted Ron Foster (@SolarPrepper):

    Highest performance urban gardening system ever! https://t.co/zfETQbEXAE #PrepperProducts #solar #prepper #preparedness

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