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I Forge Iron


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  1. Unless the color changes when you grind it the temper will be the same. Why are you worried about the temper, if you intend to use the chisel on metal that is way hotter than the grinder will ever get it? I don't see any reason why the temper matters on hot tools after all they just need to be cooler than the metal your shaping to work anyway. Wouldn't it be easier to forge the chisel to shape then clean up with the grinder?
  2. Usually peanuts, wheat, soybeans, cotton, and sometimes corn.
  3. I have been smithing on and off for several years as a hobby however most of my tools and iron come from my real job as a farmer. (starting faq section) No I do not have any livestock. No I don't shoe or like horses. Yes that is my real job. (ending Faq section) At the momment I enjoy forging/fabracating tools metalworking, woodworking. My father got me started in metalworking for repairing equipment and in woodworking for the repair of the house, shed etc. Turns out I enjoy the work but I prefer it as a hobby, less rush that way. (Sorry about the Faq sounding rough but I get asked the same questions alot when poeple discover I farm. Not unlike blacksmithing where everyone wants a sword....)
  4. A lot of the things I see have already been discussed but I'll add my say anyway. First off the bright white wires running between the posts have to be rerun. I would run them up and down the posts not between them. The way they are now they are perfect to start hanging stuff on them(very bad thing). The wiring in my house (mine is wrapped with cloth/asbestos as far as I can tell) that is close to your target age is black I would paint it with a nonsolvent paint like latex. As stated before dropcords and ceramic outlets for lights. Repair the shelves so they will hold wieght. I wouldn't worry alot about there being clutter on them as long it was period clutter after all who has a truly clutterless shop that is used often. I would fix the ceiling that spot by the steps looks like a problem to me. The pvc should not be there (should be steel) but if the ceiling repair didn't cover it use a steel gray or black paint to help it look more like black or galv pipe. The plastic bags and buckets must go. The radio must go how can you tell people about what work you are doing/would be doing in the shop if they can't hear you over the music. As for the costume I would think something like black kahkis(sp?) and button down collared shirts that are tucked in. Saftey glasses are always period. Is the shop roped off? That way the visitors can come in a watch and not be able to walk up beside the anvil lean down for a closer look as you were forge welding. :shock: I have dubious feelings about the grinder in the picture but if not in sight whose the wiser. Must have a hood to pipe that smoke outdoors. I wouldn't want to stand in the smoke to watch something made. On a side note you may want to add an oxy/acet rig for your shop after all the mine had carbide already. However I would use tanks of it not the old carbide stuff. Put the tanks in the back and run the hoses out to the front. Good luck on the new (err..old) shop.
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