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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Muddoc

  1. I wish I could put it to work but it is currently held up in a family dispute as to who should get it No one does any smithing in the family and my wife suggested I get it because it was her great grandfather's and I am at least learning to smith some.
  2. My wife's grandmother recently passed away and in the tool shed near the barn was this anvil. It's in great condition.
  3. I'm currently talking with a member of the local ABANA affiliate and will be sending him some pictures as well as attending a local meet up. Fortunately I paid less than $1/lb for this anvil. I figured it wasn't a bad investment to start with and if it can be properly repaired I'll have it done. If I continue to enjoy this hobby I will look at saving up for another anvil. Tonight after work I plan on continuing building my forge and dressing my hammer, maybe by this weekend I can start learning some hammering basics.
  4. For now I just plan on learning the absolute basics, not jumping off to be the next great smith to get my own reality show or such nonsense. I'll start with some scrap and learn how to make proper tapers, scolls and such, no rush, this is a hobby after all.
  5. Apparently melting and casting metal wasn't enough for me so I also decided to dabble in smithing as well. I recently acquired the following anvil and wanted to know if anything needs to be done with it or should I just use it as is. This anvil has obviously seen lots of abuse with a cutting torch, not to mention it was welded together at some point. Just looking for some help instead of rushing out and making things worse with inexperience.
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