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I Forge Iron

Joey Niemeier

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Posts posted by Joey Niemeier

  1. I reheated to normalize, then reheated to above nonmag, I water quenched and it sparked great.. Decided to give it a one over with wire brush, I dropped in the process and it cracked in two.. I guess i got it hard enough.... Eric, when you use these springs do you upset them to thicken or leave them this thin? Mine are only  MAYBE 1/4inch dia.... Just curious.  THanks yall,  God Bless,  Joe.

  2. Hello, I'm new to the site, and fairly new to smithing.. Ive been knocking out some knives from beat up old files and some decorative items from mild steel, but nothing major yet..  A friend from the hardware store gave me a big long coil spring from a garage door the other day. I lopped off a 6 inch piece yesterday and Thought I'd make a little flint striker while i was goofing with some other stuff,  I got it all shaped and quenched in oil from just above nonmagnetic...  It wont throw a spark at all.. I've make a few with file scraps and hardened the same way and they spark fairly easily.. I sanded the striking surface afterwards and even changed rocks thinking I was crazy..  How should the garage door springs been quenched?  I was told another place maybe it was decarbuerized by too many heats? I'm running a little propane setup i tossed together.. Just wanted some thoughts..thanks again for having me and God Bless! Joe

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