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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by TBone

  1. I haven’t started pounding iron yet but am in the process of gathering my tools and have happened upon an anvil…

    It's a 150 lb Vulcan I bought for $125.  I know Vulcans aren’t the best quality but at 0.83/lb I think I got a good deal.

    It's good points are that the face is extremely flat with no damage or rust pitting, 

    the center of the face has a nice rebound (the heel not so much)

    , it’s quiet.

    It's bad point is that the edges are pretty rough

     So what would you do to this anvil? 

    • Use it as is?
    • Repair the edges? I know a competent welder that I think could fix this with the Gunter information I found online.

    •  Unload it on somebody else? (don't really think this is a practical option)

    I would also like to know your thoughts on the best way to remove the rust from it, especially the face




    hardy hole.jpg

  2. Is anyone familiar with Woodward Fab anvils? 


    They claim to be cast steel, and rockwell hardness 45-55. From the pictures they look like they are pretty rough finished then painted orange. The pritchel hole is at the base of the horn and they sit on what look like legs. 

    The 154 lb anvil is $689 and the 220 lb is $899.

    Thoughts and experiences with these would be appreciated being I can't find any reviews online.

    btw about me... I am currently not blacksmithing but am slowly getting my equipment together so I can start.



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