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I Forge Iron

Mark Ling

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Posts posted by Mark Ling

  1. Thanks guys! 

    Actualy das you have me tempted cause I'm really not a fan of this hammer. I may give it to someone. Recently I have just really not been pleased with my work it's starting to get in my nerves. At then kinda like well if you don't like it should you sell it, give it away, keep it as a shop hammer, or scrap it. I already got a few in the scrap pile. 

  2. finished up this 20 oz hammer that I had forged a while back. I polished the faces to cover up a bad blow from a striker....I kinda like this style but not really at the same time.





  3. Id normalize that edge. 4140 Will hold up just fine against hot steel, and leaving it hardened and tempered runs the risk of damaging your hammer face or taking a chip out of the hot cut.


  4. JHCC if you don't like the finish on it than why wouldn't you fix it? personally I would fix it so I would be pleased but that's just cause I find if I don't like something I made  I either fix it or get rid of it. Only other recommendation is to bring that grid back a bit for a thinner edge.


  5. thank you Ranchmanben!

    Aus, thank you. Haha I've never had any comments other than oh those are cool, maybe its just a location difference. I have forged craftsmen and snap on before. Yes I said snap on. I get them at the scrap yard, and I already have more wrenches than I need and so I just look at it that before I got them they were just gunna be thrown away and melted down so I'm doing them a favor for actually doing something more meaningful with them. I hang on to the old ford wrenches though that I find I dont forge them.


  6. Wasn't done in the shop, but actually at an event that a friend and I were selling at and demoing at. While there we forged this 3.5lb hammer and some other stuff. Ended up having to stop early cause of weather but did well at the show. The hammer we finished the quickest we have ever, took about an hour and a half. Next to it is the starting billet.



    Here is some pictures from the show and demo.


  7. I have had some issuers when I don't put a metal wedge that the wood wedge will come out, so I now always do a metal wedge it's a very small metal wedge, about half or less the size of the store bought ones. It's big enough it wedges the wedge in, but doesn't typically split the handle any. I imagine soaking the head may help with that though. 


  8. I just saw your latest reply JHCC. Yes, apologies, it was my bad I should've not used the word force. 

    Thank you, you're doing good also. I still have a long ways to go till I would say that I am good at it though. 


    Thanl you buzzkill! Well if you are ever near me give me a shout and I'll show you my shop, that goes for anybody. That was all very nice if you to say. 


    Yes JHCC that would be very interesting. Who knows, maybe it does hit as fast as a hand hammer and it just looks like it doesn't cause it's so big. Dunno. 

  9. Oh boy. I had just meant that it seems to take about the same amount of heats as it would with a hand hammer, I shouldn't have said force. Yes I think if you could have the treadle hammer accelerate just as fast as a hand hammer it would be golden, but I don't think ive ever seen a foot powered treadle hammer hit as fast as a hand hammer. I'm sure it does have its place though, would be handy for using tooling. I was about to buy one this last February.  The treadle hammer had more mass but slower speed is the difference. I think.......... I'm no physics teacher though. 


  10. JLP- I was at school, and I realized, I reckon i do draw a little. Maybe not at times when I should be but I do draw some. Here is a page in a packet we got in english about the state wide writing test, I did some drawing. That's how most of my notes and papers look haha. I do like the cross pein style I drew and wanna try it out sometime soon.

    Thanks Steam boat!



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