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I Forge Iron


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  1. Yes Neil it is Mr. Everyone I think I shall start with a very light to medium radius as this anvil is to make shop tools and small parts. If I shall be forge larger articles I shall start to increase the radius accordingly or if need be relative to the mass of the work make a special hardy tool with the correct radius therefore.
  2. Thanks a whole lot Thomas and Frosty for your recent replies, your posts were very informative. I shall start to break the anvil edges this week coming. You guys are great, thanks.
  3. Frosty, when you say radius the edges a little, how much of a radius are we talking about? Radius in the similitude to a very dull knife or something with a .005 or .010 thousandths of an inch radius therefore. What is a save radius to have without the risk of any edge chipping. Thanks for every ones answers thus far.
  4. I recently purchased a new emerson anvil, and I was just wondering if it is normal to have the anvil side edges ground at a slight degree inwards towards the anvil face. Basically the sides of the anvil is not at a true 90 degree angle, and the same is the same for the anvil step to face. I think the aforementioned angle inwards of sides might make it harder to forge tongs and other forged tools that need to be formed hanging over sides of the anvil. This is my first anvil, I just want to know from any seasoned smiths if this matter is going to effect anything being forged utilizing the sides to form article. I think I might have minimum effect, but just want ya guys input, thanks for your comments.
  5. Thanks all, you are doing great. I am taking all your comments to heart. I am more informed and directed towards the correct anvil. George thanks for the comment about the Emerson anvils that really helps me out. I think it is all a matter of propensity towards wherein ones heart dwells as to features and weight now.
  6. Thanks everyone for your comments regarding this matter, keep' em coming. Sounds like the JHM is a quality article to be had. Anyone out there have any experience with the Emerson brand?
  7. Hello all, I am indubitably dubious regarding choosing between jhm 260lb and a emerson traditional 200lb anvil. Any experienced blacksmith/iron worker with these brands? How is the rebound of Jhm compared to emerson? Does anyone have a problem with jhm being ductile iron the rockwell hardness hereof is 48-52 compared to emerson's 48-50 rockwell hardened 4140 steel. I like the emerson better for some reason, I just want someone with some experience good or bad with these brands. Lastly, did anyone have any bad experience with anvilbrand.com or centaurforge.com blacksmith suppliers, as I shall purchase one of these anvils from them. Thanks all.
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