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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Verga

  1. To give it a fair evaluation, how about sending it to me for some intensive testing.
    If i don't like it I will tell you in about a week, if I do like it then in about 6 months, If I really like it about 6 years. {Big dopey Grin}
    Very nice

  2. hey here is another thing i made a while ago it is based off of the shuriken batman uses in batman begins and the dark knight, its simple weldable steel since its cheap and i didn't want to spend too much money on something i wasn't sure of. I sold them to a few friends for about 20 bucks each.
    the first one's head was a little off, the second one came out much better.

    Do you have a pattern, and can I get a copy?

    Thank you
  3. I know this has been discussed before but here is a fairly new twist. watch this viseo on youtube. YouTube - How to build a Babington Burner

    do you think this would be able to heat a small forge to welding temps? I also have a few ideas to simplify the whole process.

    This is an idea I have been considering. I might have access to a propane tank to make the forge, and all I would need is plumbing supplies and a blower to amke the burner.
    I saw one on instructables that was used to melt steel for foundry work.
  4. Hello
    My name is Verga. Thank you for letting me sign up for the Forum.
    I am interested in black smithing from the knifemaking point of view.
    I have already built 5 knives. Four were premade blanks that I had to put the scales on (and do a bit of sharpening) and the fifth was an old file that I annealed shaped and put the scales on. It is kind of crude, but it fits my hand and i like it.
    I have alot of experience as a wood worker and machinist and I plan on building my own forge. I am still going back and forth about using propane of waste oil.
    I have been quite a bit of research on both.
    any input would be appreciated.
    I also signe up with the local blacksmith club last week.

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