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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Batman

  1. I will definitely narrow it down... And not trying to be slack. As I mentioned, I'm new to this. I used to work on classic cars, where I got into repairing clocks, and then watches. The general time period I'm looking at is middle ages, as represented by television.. Not the way its produced. I do not wish to try and pour steel. But the forge design. I can modify to my needs as I learn of course. Eventually I wish to know a little about each style. European, Egyptian, Oriental, or anything else I find. Right now I'm working on aluminium casting, winch it is readily available and has many uses. I plan on reading and studying the site and topics here for more ideas of course. But I hope you at least have a general idea of my goals now.
  2. Don't know what i said... But ok... Didnt intentionally type a curse. But got it... And i meant with bellows... I was talking specifically without propane torches, mechanical hammers, welding torches.. Things like that .... I really want old school bellows...think I may have a set, or the frame at my grandmother's house
  3. I am completely new to this.. And my goal is to be a blacksmith.. Or as close as I can achieve to the old ways of doing things before machines. I personally have always taken the hard road when learning. I do have Facebook and kik to keep in touch. I lost my job, my gf has decided to let me pursue this career choice. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Any advice you have I'm willing to listen, even if I do choose to be stupid in the end. Y'all know this better than I do, and that is why I'm here. Thanks for your help and advise and I look forward to learning from you all First advice is to read the ToS and watch your language.
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