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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by tanglediver

  1. Someone here asked me today after my afternoon session, "What, are you a blacksmith now?" Well, no. I am not, and I said as much.0LZ7xuC.jpg

    The ever-so-humble drum forge, my first.

    Long story made as short as possible, after finding an identical blower (finally), I whipped up a cheezy stand "for testing purposes". It operates, I can heat metal, and I call that "a start".

  2. Welding spring steel in a hardened state will likely yield less than optimum results. I tried welding two scrap leaves together on the edges. We have an abundance of leaf springs. I used no preheat, no normalizing of any kind, I just hauled off and hit them good and hot with the Millermatic 200 and 'it seemed to stick'. That is, until I dropped them on the scrap heap and my pretty looking welds all cracked up like graham crackers. 

    Most striking anvils I have heard of seem to be topped with mild steel, so as to avoid chipping. Sure it will mushroom eventually, but mild steel is easy to fix. 

    Good luck! :)

  3. On 3/1/2021 at 12:39 AM, Waddy said:

    Tanglediver:   That is a great looking solid stand. The plate you picked up looks nice and thick, how much did that cost you?

    Will you need to attach the stand to the floor or is it fine as is? I would like to make one like that but I need to be able to move it around when not in use.

    Thanks very much Waddy! The plate is 1" thick and 12" square in size and I paid $46.98 for it. I made the feet out of scrap bits that I had just enough of and drilled holes in them just in case it eventually needs to be anchored to the floor/ground. Like you, I need to be able to move this rig for use at my day job.


    This could be used in a mobile capacity because the bolts are easy to remove for separation. 

    Today I welded the eyebolts shut so that they don't distort over time with use.


  4. I squeezed in some shop time at work today, and repurposed a couple of scrap 3" axle tubes. The base plate I bought on the way in to work from my local steel supplier. 


    I still need a clamp mechanism, which I started here at home afterward. Still have some design to work through.


    This one may find itself left at work for the time being once it's workable.


    This does not mean that I trust anyone at work.

  5. On 2/23/2021 at 7:31 AM, pnut said:

    Nice tool. I'm envious. I'm  hoping my little accaio anvil will attract other anvils like a duck decoy attracts ducks hahahaha. 


    Ah! What you need is an anvil call. It's like a duck call, but with a bit more 'ring' than 'quack'. Anvils can't resist while in migration season.

    M.G., my condolences to your blue hatchback and its suspension, may it r.i.p.

  6. As a fisherman and boating enthusiast, MayDay takes on a whole different and somber meaning.


    From wiki:-

    "The "mayday" procedure word was originated in 1921, by a senior radio officer at Croydon Airport in London. The officer, Frederick Stanley Mockford, was asked to think of a word that would indicate distress and would easily be understood by all pilots and ground staff in an emergency. Since much of the traffic at the time was between Croydon and Le Bourget Airport in Paris, he proposed the expression "mayday" from the French m'aider ('help me'), a shortened form of venez m'aider ('come and help me').  It is unrelated to the holiday May Day."


    But, Happy May Day!!

  7. Projections and estimates are only as good as the factors you feed them. 

    I heard Japan is simply having everyone in masks, (which is not that unusual there) and everybody just go to work. (Direct from rumor control, so it's gotta be true.)

    The story making the light of day concerns patient "zero" (the first person with covid19) with reasons to believe it was a woman in Wuhan who ate shrimp, then was covert about her illness and spread it to 27 people. ... (paraphrasing Dr. Lu Wing). Dr. Lu actually knows a thing or two about virus buggers, and was a podcast guest on the alloutwar podcast, episode #76. https://alloutwar.transistor.fm/episodes/76-the-truth-about-coronavirus-with-dr-lu-wing 

  8. Oh my, I had 2 Banty hens and a rooster when I was a kid, before high school. Before they all got given away (without my knowledge) I had 7~9 hens and 3 roosters, and little brown eggs for days!! They were better than any store bought eggs for sure. I wouldn't mind getting back into chicken raising, those birds are very alert. No tom foolery or high jinkery went on unnoticed with them on duty. Very pet like, sweetest dispositions, 'cept for the rooster, he'ld just as soon kick ya.

  9. Why is it not a good idea to mix reloading and welding?  Is it because the only time you can have too much ammo, is in a house fire, perhaps? :huh:


    Why are plastic gasoline fuel lines and torch cutting inside pickup truck beds not good company?

    But, I digress... MPC, keep practicing! 

    Be safe.

  10. I had been reading all these posts, but had not been shopping in about a week. So, I dropped by today. Ok, all the signs are there. My goal as soon as I got into the parking lot was to remain immovably calm. I didn't even go to the less expensive grocer I normally would go to. I stepped into one of the nicer places, (both unnamed).  **sigh**


    I miss having my own chickens, very responsive birds. I tell ya they get no respect. 

  11. My first good quality anvil, (a 99# Mousehole still in moth balls), has suffered blunt force trauma accompanied by slight mushrooming to the tip of the horn. I came very close to sanding down the mushroom, then stopped short. <_<


    My only question regarding repairs has to do with rod selection, EXACT rod selection. I started late in life into welding, but things got heated up when both the weldors from work left for greener pastures. I vote, (even though no vote was called for), for a weld repair to old crews side shelf. The Stoody 'hardfacing' rods I chose lead to spiderweb cracking.

  12. On 3/5/2020 at 4:27 PM, Blueberry said:

    Yea i figured somebody would point that out lol. I decided too keep things simple its my first sculpture anyway.

    Ha! I like it, I know I've seen octopus with a few missing legs before. :unsure: Our diving tour guide was posing with an uncooperative octopus for underwater pictures once. Well, that cephalopod left with fewer appendages than it started with...

    And Alexander, you Sir are a Master!!!

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