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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by tbrforge

  1. is this a hobby lathe? if the machine is going to be torqued heavy then build as massive heavy base as you can, wood will absorb vibration better, but is subject to twisting more than metal. I don't too often make shop equipment for looks, its what is on hand and the application.

  2. can't tell dimensionally what the base is but it looks like very thick square stock to begin with, having said that I remember a Steve Kayne quote "upsetting can be very upsetting"
    Forge weld a collar and work to the triangular shape is how I would approach it. It also seems unlikely that the scroll is of the parent stock. One would need to feel it to imitate its construction but there have been enough suggestions put forth to start trying to duplicate it. Thats how we get better, do something even though we have barely an idea how it was done!

  3. the use of lenses to generate heat is not of practical use to a smith because of the focal point. The size of the lense that would be required to have a focal point large enough, well I am not a math guy but I do know that the focal point is the crucial factor. Sounds like a good one for the myth busters eh?

  4. I ran, programmed, and fixed an industrial laser for 15 years. One time a gentleman came in requesting joist plates and tie in plates. The project involved me turning his drawing (sketch) into contiguous geometry, then into cnc code. Got the job done, very curvy and good looking. Shipped them, next day the customer called and said they looked too good! Could we distress them? (Much to the chagrin of all involved with the project) We brought them back in and proceeded to beat the xxxx out of them and made the customer very happy.

    Was the fly press used for texturing also or just for the acute cuts?

    Your work is beautiful!

  5. the desire for that first forge should not compromise safety. Anything but galvanized! You can drink all the milk you want, you may stop heaving your guts out but the damage is not neutralized by the milk just a symptom is relieved. Used a large truck rim for several years. Then went to a welded firepot. Even a car rim would be better. Get rid of the galvanized....

  6. I would recommend getting a "Blacksmith Primer" book, start from the beginning, make the tools required to work your coal forge. If gas is the way you are going, then tongs will be first. There are easy tongs. Search the BP's. If I choose a project that requires a special tool, then I have a new tool and I add to my repertoire. Good luck and keep on hittin

  7. Boots matter less to me than proper socks. I use hunting socks I buy from Cabella, that special wicking fabric. I always were military issue dessert boots. Although Georgia dosn't get too cold, I hale from Illinois and my feet still remember living there!

  8. I keep a thirty gallon tub of coal next to the forge, it is laden with water, I don't worry too much about freezing here. The bulk is stored on a pallet in real burlap sacks, not occupying too much space in a far corner of the smithy. I will create a coal bin ( two more sides to the corner wall) for the next purchase which I anticipate to be a large bulk purchase. Always looking for the best deal and least travel to get it.

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