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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Fuzz223

  1. Hi Everyone, I'm Mitch, I come from a small town in Australia, and while I'm very interested in smithing I am physically unable to get my own forge or anything like that and am left with just reseaching the subject (which is fine I love researching things) and I've been watching and reading alot of resources, though I found that alot of them are lacking in a few details. So I figured I'd try talking to some real black smiths to learn the things that wikis or youtube don't tell me. I am also very interested in collecting swords (when I can afford them) which is another reason smithing appeals greatly to me. One of the questions I did have involves casting blades. You cast Copper and Tin with a clay mold to make a bronze blade, but I dont see anything like that with iron/steel. I am assuming that this is because liquifying the iron/steel would mean that the temperature would burn away the carbon and leave a weak blade behind. Would I be right in assuming this or am I way off? Anyway I hope that you all dont mind me floating around asking questions. Nice to meet you all.
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