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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Unopposedalpha

  1. Thanks DSW! That was really helpful! I'm going to shoot for the August meeting of PABA, and I just sent a PM to StuartTheSmith to find out about his group's meeting times. It will be great to meet experienced smiths in the area. -Alex
  2. Hello everyone! I've just started forging earlier this spring, and have had three days of hammering iron so far. My setup is pretty primitive, with a forge built out of a commode, a smoker, and a shop-vac (currently burning charcoal). I'm using an I-beam from a scrapyard as my anvil. Attached are some pictures of my first attempts at forging. A primitive knife (first piece ever -- I was able to grind the blade a bit smoother in post-production), simple tongs, a fire poker, and a bracelet for my fiancee. -Alex
  3. Thank you so much for your help, everyone! The info was really valuable. -Alex
  4. Hello, I'm new to smithing. So far, I've been using an old I-beam as a makeshift anvil. This just came up for sale in my area at $150. Do you think this is usable, or potentially an ASO? Thank you! I appreciate your expertise!
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