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I Forge Iron

Frisky Filly

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Everything posted by Frisky Filly

  1. Frisky Filly

    Oriental lily

  2. Frisky Filly

    Oriental lily

  3. Frisky Filly

    Oriental lily

  4. Thanks. its a shame it was never finished to how i wanted. but pleased it was taken to the show anyway. I'd love to learn techniques to make diffrent sorts o leaves and flowers eventually, i dnt kno if u do courses like that at exeter or elsewher in the south. its missib26@hotmail.co.uk if its easier to contact that way. thankyou again. spk sn
  5. Firstly thankyou for all your replies. Secondly, why on earth didnt I think of contacting you earlier JohnB , seeing as (not sure if you'd remember) but I did come to you for some help over a year ago to help me pass my forging exam. And mighten I add that you are why i am here now, not as a farrier but as a hopeful artistic blacksmith!! woo! Something I did forget to add is that my forge is bottom blast, designed and built by an engineer friend with a few free pointers i recieved from Mr Simon Grant Jones. We were using North over coke or something like that at college but thought I should browse the market before hand. If I wasnt away in yorkshire indeed I would have come to the gathering. Hope to get the forges first light when I get bak and will be most likely poppin upto exeter for courses etc. Thanks again, anymor queries i'm sure I'l pop em on here. A. Bithrey aka Frisky Filly
  6. I'm a young female blacksmith building a business at the moment. Have had a workshop built, forge made, bought anvils and excessories and its ready to go. But now i'm on the search for fuel. Whilst at college I used Coke. But now i'm out on my own I'd thought i'd have a look around, and have come across, WELSH BEAN, ANTHRACITE and COKE. the 1st two bein between
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